Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Meadows - Castle Rock

Front of house - (way before hail storm , 2011)

House with old paint and roof before hail storm

From green area

Deck afer paining number 1 , note full blooming rose bush at back of yard

What newly painteddeck used to look like.

Front yard - morning after hail storm

Hail knocked many leaves and flowers off vegetation- rotate

3 inches of marble size hail - picture needs rotating

Aleta about to race 60mph Go carts with me (she won.)

House with new paint and roof

Front of house 2

Front of house 3

Back of House

Back Porch and Lisa Lounging

Out back porch

Green area to south

Front Room / Office

Dining Room - We actually eat there sometimes


TV Room


Erichs room (right) & guest room / workout room (left)

2nd bath and laundry room not shown

Master Bedroom

Master Bath

Mstr Bathroom